34th Annual Reedley Blossom Bike Ride

Reedley College 995 N Reed Ave, Reedley, CA, United States

Register at: http://blossombikeride.com Preregister by Feb 20th to receive a free t-shirt First Ride starts at 7:30 am 60 mile at 7:30 a.m. 40 mile at 8:30 a.m. 20 mile at 9:30 a.m. 7 mile at 10:30 a.m. Registration starts 30 minutes before start time.

58th Lions Operation Friendship Visitation

El Cortez Hotel

Cost: $441 Mail checks to:  Lion Jeff Garcia, 13677 Francisco Dr, Hanford, CA  93230   2024 Operation Friendship Hotel-Package Registration Form

Pizza with a Purpose – Visalia Sunset Lions

The Planing Mill 778 E Center St, Visalia, CA, United States

The Planing Mill is  at 778 E Center Ave, Visalia.  Note the event runs to 8 pm, not 9 pm. Enjoy a dinner and friendship.  A portion of sales go to Visalia Sunset Lions to support community service projects.

D4-A2 Leo District Earth Day Contest

District 4-A2 Leos Earth Day Contest Sign Up Here by April 19th Campaign or videos must be submitted by 8 am on April 22nd

Lions Family Fun Day

Hillcrest & Wahtoke Railroad 6943 S. Reed Ave, Reedley, CA

Fun day final Flyer Purchase Tickets Here

**Postponed**District 4-A2 Family Fun Day – Bowling

Orbit Lanes 250 S. L Street, Dinuba, CA, United States

New date coming out soon! We will be hosting a District bowling tournament & fun day on the 20th of April hosted at the Orbit Lanes Bowling Alley in Dinuba. We hope to see you there!! We will be taking raffle baskets/opportunity baskets too. If you want to include that that would help. Top Team […]