Operation Friendship

The purpose of this visitation shall be for the Lions of California and the Lions of Ensenada, Baja California, to work together under the banner of “We Serve” in helping the people in and around Ensenada with services that our working together are able to provide.

The “Operation Friendship Visitation” shall be a voluntary visit of Lion members from various clubs and districts.The visitation shall be self-supporting with each attending, paying their own expenses. Individual and Club donations are the only revenue source for the services provided to the Ensenada schools and children. Various
financial levels of giving are recognized with a banner plaque. The Operation Friendship Committee shall be responsible for paying any and all personal expenses.

The visitation shall be a group of Lion members and guests from California and Mexico, meeting and working together for the betterment of the Baja California area schools and community.
The host Lions Club will be an Ensenada Lions Club.
The visiting Lion members will help further the knowledge in the world of Lionism by working together on an international Lions project.

The main project for the “Operation Friendship” visitation shall be to furnish schools in the Ensenada area and/or any other area of Baja California. Additionally, the children and the community receive vision screening, eyeglasses as needed, diabetic screening and education, dental and chiropractic services.

The members of this committee as well as the continuation of this project will be determined at the annual business meeting held every year during the visitation.

The visitation, if possible, is always held on the 3rd weekend of March.

Sounding like fun?
Check out the Visitation and Hotel Registration Forms here!


You can also check with your Club Secretary as the Committee reaches out to each club either by mail or in-person, dropping off registration forms and raffle tickets.

Time for the donation pitch… 🙂
100% of all donations will be used to purchase the specific items requested by the School Administration of Franscisco J. Mujica Primary School School in Ensenada and based on our on-site needs assessment.

Please designate your contribution below:

  • Platinum Level: Sponsor annual school supplies for one classroom $1,500
  • Gold Level: Sponsor one classroom computer/printer service 60+ kids for  $1,100
  • Silver Level: Sponsor annual school supplies for 10 children for $500
  • Bronze Level: Sponsor annual school supplies for 1 child for $50.00



Bill and Carri Diltz 559-732-6897 or 559-300-7015 [email protected]

Jeff Garcia and Gina Arcino 559-924-4417 or 559-309-9441 [email protected]

PDG Anthony Martinez and Ben Fregoso
559-451-1564 or 559-288-8893 [email protected] / [email protected]

Fred Hufnagel 661-831-5562 [email protected]